
Chronic Tension: The Pain You’re Ignoring

February 21, 2022

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Chronic Tension:
The Pain You're Ignoring

There's Magic in the Silence

What is Fascia?
Why Does it Matter?

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Are you holding a phone right now?

Or maybe sitting at a computer? Now take a minute to notice your posture. Is there a little hunch in your shoulders? Tilt in your neck? Maybe you’re guilty of taking your phone to bed with you and scrolling while lying down (like I do).

These behaviors have become the norm. We hold our phones all day long, in all kinds of ways. We’re sitting at our desks, distracted by the work we’re doing without noticing how it’s affecting our body. Or maybe we do notice, but there’s nothing you can do about it at the moment. So you take Tylenol and drive on. But these little behaviors can build up and become big problems.

Do you experience any of the symptoms?

  • Neck pain
  • Limited range of motion in the neck/head/shoulders
  • Headaches/Migraines
  • Jaw pain
  • Fatigue
  • Numbness, tingling in arms and hands

All of these are directly related to Upper Cross Syndrome. <Disclaimer: We are by no means trying to diagnose anyone>

What exactly is upper cross syndrome?

The short answer is that it’s a pattern of myofascial tension related to posture, muscular imbalances and behavioral tension.

What causes this?

Our environment, injuries, habits and learned postural behaviors can all impact how we hold our bodies upright. Sitting at a desk for hours on end can be a factor, as well as driving with inadequate lumbar support. Basically anything you do on a regular basis will contribute to the shape your body takes.

How can massage help?

We use a variety of Myofascial Release techniques to address muscular immobility, relax contracted muscles, improve local circulation and stimulate the stretch reflex. Our goal is to reduce pain by easing tension and tightness. Healthy fascia should be pliable and elastic. Work will be done where we feel rigid/tense tissue until we release the pressure or tightness. This process may need to be repeated multiple times in the same area until tension is fully released.

If I have pain in my neck, why are you working on my low back?

Our bodies are a beautiful web of tissue, so don’t forget everything is connected. Your massage treatment may include work in areas other than where the pain originates or where you feel it the most. These techniques are meant to address the broader network of tissue that may be causing your pain.

For example: If you experience tension in between your shoulder blades, there’s a good chance the muscles in your chest are tight.

If you’re interested in this type of massage treatment, it’s important to share that with your therapist. Working on fascia can be a slow process and we’ll need time to let the body respond appropriately.

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