
Restorative Massage

September 13, 2024

Guiding you to discover ways to live and feel better, whether through the therapeutic touch of massage or valuable advice to elevate your self-care routine.

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So, why not just call it Relaxation Massage or Swedish Massage?

Because when someone hears those names, they immediately have preconceived notions about what that service will be like. For better or for worse, they think they know what they’re getting with that service.

But what we offer is different.

I joke that it’s “secret squirrel massage” because it’s so relaxing that you don’t realize it’s actually therapeutic treatment.

With 14 years of experience, I’ve learned to blend soothing strokes with therapeutic techniques, like testing your mobility and applying pressure in just the right spots to release fascial restrictions—all while keeping the experience deeply calming and personalized.

We work at the depth where we can affect real change in your tissue. We move at the speed of your body, ensuring that every adjustment and technique aligns with your unique needs and responses.

This isn’t just about physical relaxation; it’s about addressing the nervous system in a unique way. By blending multiple techniques, we create a treatment that leaves you feeling restored, balanced, and in a state of relaxation that goes beyond the session itself.

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