When can you get it and what to expect during your appointment.
Massage is available for mother’s after they’ve given birth, upon approval by physician. Of course, it all depends on your birth experience.
I have worked with some women merely one-week post pregnancy, whereas other women may need several weeks or months before receiving bodywork. There are a few indicators when a woman is ready to receive massage. Whenever you feel comfortable is the right time.
Accommodations will be made for you, so you can settle in and have a relaxing experience. Positioning is your choice. If you would feel more comfortable on your side rather than face down, that is an option. If you don’t want to lay flat on your tummy, you won’t have to.
If you are experiencing breast tenderness and swelling, support under the collar bone and stomach can offer relief. Your massage therapist will work with you to address your situation.
Benefits of Postnatal Massage include:
During your pregnancy body fluids have increased by about 50%. As soon as you are cleared for a massage it will be helpful to your recovery to begin to reduce these fluids. A postpartum massage will decrease swelling and help relieve your body.
Massage will also improve your sleep by encouraging your body to release endorphins, or feel-good hormones offering natural pain-relief. Reconnecting with your body after birth is an important part of the healing process.
The postpartum period is a time of tremendous change. One of the keys to success during this time is having a strong support network and we are honored to play a role in your healing process.
Salt and Sage is committed to making our services accessible to all individuals. If you have any questions or need assistance, please contact us.
For more of our latest offerings, follow along on instagram at @saltandsagemassage.
© salt & Sage massage 2021 | design by tonic | photos by Tim AUK, PIMPER PHOTOGRAPHY, Mary bowers, PRIVACY, terms of service
Intentional Massage for Mindful People
bremerton, wA
phone: 425.374.9885
OFFICE: 360.627.0488
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